The Flood


Mama say the waters are come
Get my little dolly
Fill my bag up
Papa say get the baby in the car
Time we lit out
Got up to higher ground

News man say its worst we’ve ever seen
Water and ice and lake and stream
All of it boilin’
And comin’ to town
So get your keepsakes
And get the hell out

Mama say there is blood on the water
But it ain’t her kin
Not gonna take her daughters
Papa say take a good look around
When you get back home
Gonna be washed out

Politician say
We gonna build again
Don’t cry honey
Trust the government
Only thing I know is that everybody lie
But my Mama and my Papa
Ain’t gonna let me die

Copyright 2009 Camille Bright-Smith
All rights reserved

I wrote this in 2009….and its been haunting me for a week now.  Here is what people from Texas say about how we can help: 

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